Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

100 reasons why Stacey is my bffaeaeaeae

100 Reasons why you are my bffaeaeaeae:

1.You go to the coolest church on the planet
2.You are a Christ follower
3. Your just so gosh darn beautiful =]
4. Your parents are my parents, my parents are your parents.
5. We can just be like “Hey wanna come over?” “Yea sure” “Ok cool” “So im comin over?” “Yup” “Sweet”
6.We can give eachother a look and know exactly what eachother are thinking.
7.We bust up laughing at an inside joke in front of everyone and when they question us we just act like nothing happened.
8.You ALWAYS have my back and back me up on everything =]
9.You are a terrific liar, which comes in handy cause i am a terrible one.
10.You can take a secret to the grave.
11. We have the best inside jokes.
14.DOOOOODLING is a skill =]
16.Your honest
17.You support me
18.You make me keep in touch with my inner “girliness”
19.We can greet eachother with insults and not be offended.
20.You make me not be emo, and make me be happy and socialize.
21.You know when theres something wrong with me just by looking at me for a second.
22.You make me delicious food =]
23.You bring out my inner Mexican
24.Sabes Que??
25.Marshmallow fight!!!!
26.3am .. hahahaha ..Malachi .....grrrr dang you Dez haha.
27.Your random laugh attacks at night when you get loopy and start hitting me and laughing more, then in the morning you dont remember a thing, but i just sat through the night watching and videotaping you and then i tell you in the morning how drunk you acted =P
28.How freakin OPPOSITE we are. You force me to socialize and cope with big groups even though you know i hate them =P
29.We bash on eachother about our taste in music but listen to it anyways just to make the other happy haha. Justin Bieber vs. Joe Brooks.
30.We dance like idiots then put it on YouTube for the whole world to see, and later regret it ..
31.We make pointless videos that never end up being posted anywhere because their too embarassing haha.
32.You is so pretty and you model for me =]
33.You let me do your makeup .. even though your so freakin dark that none of my stuff shows up on your face =P
34.You claim to be an innocent sweet girl til someone makes you mad then you get all “HOLD ME BACK TEISHA!!!” Hahahaha. You know its true.
35.Your always all dressed up and lookin adorable while im always in jeans and a sweatshirt with running shoes on haha. Opposites ..
36.You love to constantly be with people and talk, i love to just sit alone and be quiet. Opposites ..
37.You love justin bieber, Twilight, and Usher .. i love Queen, Star Wars, and Journey. Opposites ..
38.We try to memorize rediculously confusing songs like We Go Together but end up just going “daadadadaada”
39.You listen to me go on and on and on about something i dont even know what im talking about myself haha.
40.You give me hugs =]
41.You are there for me. Duh .. you better be .. your my bffaeaeaeae xD
42.You'll wanna beat up anyone who does me wrong =]
43.You come to my school overdressed then realize its a school for freaks =] haha
44.You let me try to teach you to swing dance, then you try to teach me how to dance and i FAILLLL.
45.We hang with eachother and do nothing. Or spend the whole time trying to figure out what we want to eat
46.Your not a debbie downer
47.You dont give yourself away to guys. You have integrity
48.You slap really hard .. thats not why your my bffaeaeaeae ... but you do ..
49.Everyone knows never to mess with you .. cause of the previous statement.
50.You're not perfect or normal .. haha face it, we'd all be boring and annoying if we were normal and perfect.
51.You kill icky bugs for me and move them from the under the cup in my room to outside.
52.You wash dishes for me and help with chores =]
53.Your half Mexican and half El Salvadoran .. thats just cool.
54.You help me dress myself in the morning when you sleep over cause you've got a lot more fashion sense than i do =P Not literally dress myself .. just pick out my clothes haha.
55.Your not a druggie, drunk, or smoker. Though some nights i swear your high haha. You and Dez .. Oy vey ..
56.You help me with my homework =]
57.Were both always in denial about something and have to try to convince eachother of it =P
58.Sometimes you act “shy” but we all know your not haha. .. only sometimes =]

59.The way you can say something totally seriously but its not true, and sometimes you can even convince me that its true haha. Not anymore though =] Hehe
60.You know how to have fun and party =]
61.You'll do crazy things with me
62.You have awesomely adorable lil cousins. That dont really like me .. haha im serious i just dont think babys like me haha. Someday =] Auntie Teisha!!!
63.If i needed to get away from someone i know you'd come up with some lame excuse to get me away from them haha.
64.You've seen me with zero makeup on. And everyone knows thats pretty rare =]
65.We'll give eachother crazy blind makeovers or just do eachothers makeup badly and try to make eachother look like queeeers.
66.You've seen me cry (At camp) and thats rare for people to see.
67.Your not afraid to get crazy every once and a while and do something out of your comfort zone. You'll try new things. 3Am .. hahaha .. no. Not funny.
68.You encourage me to try new things.
69.You embrace your inner “farm girl” when your at my house =]
70.When you come over you look like me, in my clothes, chillin on the farm (Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin with no makeup on, thats when your the prettiest i hope that you dont take it wrong ;) ), ridin our donkey, bein a hick =] haha.
72.Remember the time you wrote the letter 'B' on my forehead with lipstick while playing truth or dare? Haha.
73.In dead silent moments you'll be the one to speak up and be like “Sooo hows everyone doinnnn??” Haha.
74.You sing Down With The Sickness like a pr0.
75.Your house has pro WiFi and no service. My house gets sucky WiFi and .. well .. yea we have sucky service also ..
76.You'll try to learn how to jerk with me haha. So embarassing ..
77.You think before you speak. Unlike a lot of people these days.
78.We walk around and chill in EVERY store in the Albertsons parking lot for like an hour or more, just for fun =P
79.Being the aunt to your baby =]
80.The night in the camper with Dez ..
81. Jumping on your trampoline with soap and water.
82.Trying to fit in your bathtub with you and your cousin.
83.The drive to winter camp.
84.Winter camp in general.
85.Me trying to fall asleep laying across you guys.
86.You accept me for my nerdy dorky self.
87.We couldnt be more comfortable around eachother.
88.You try to strangle me with my own belt.
89.Were contstantly saying stuff and not even having to say “thats what she said” but just start busting up laughing.
90.Our BBQ chip fight on my couch.
91.I can trust you to keep any secret.
92.We write notes to ourselfs together to open them in the future and see how dumb we were.
93.The face you make when your laughing and super loopy.
94.Your a good listener
95.We have mostly the same friends
96.Hot by Avril Lavigne
97.Crush by David Archuleta
98.You make the most awesome faces in pictures
99.You accept my corniness
100.You know how dorky, embarassing, stupid, blonde, clueless, slow, dumb, selfish, jealous, mean, emo, angry, weak, rude, kill-joy, lame, scary-looking, loopy, weird, depressed, negative, nerdy, i can be, yet you still chose me to be your bffaeaeaeae =]

101. (BONUS) The fact that this list was wayyyyy too easy to write.