Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reaching People Through Social Networking for God.

God been putting something on my heart lately about the media. We have so many ways to talk to eachother. We use Facebook, Myspace, Email, Texting, Phone calls, Twitter, and all these social networking sites that we use to reach people, talk, and stay connected. Those who text, im sure you all know how annoying and stupid chain mail is. Its all about forwarding some message or else you will have bad luck, or your crush wont love you, or your mom will die or somethin stupid. Sometimes we use social networking for things that we shouldnt. Complaining, letting out feelings that we will later regret, and it spreads to the world. I know personally i struggled with that and Twitter when it first came out. I had no one to talk to so i would vent everything on Twitter. We shouldn't be using MS and FB for that type of stuff. We dont realize that we have an amazing opportunity right in front of us. We have all these ways to reach and influence people. Everything we say influence someone in someway. I say we stop using these networks to complain and be negative about everything, and start using them to reach and encourage people with the words of God. Why send out a post about how your day at work or schooled sucked, when you can post a verse that will encourage us all, and uplift our spirits. Why send a text to our friend saying how someone just upset you, and gossip to them, when you could text them something Godly that has been on your heart. Imagine if all of us did this, if we all posted something that we are thankful for each day, or something that God has been doing in your life, or even just the highlight of your day. Instead of embracing all the negative crap going on in our lifes. Were supposed to bring all that crap to God, not to the world. Not to Twitter or FaceBook. That just causes rumors and drama. So bring all that negativity to God, and start spreading the word to everyone you can. Just that, will make SUCH a big difference.
Posting how terrible your feel wont do anything, how about saying how you know God will heal you and you are so thankful for that? I have personally experimented. I used to be constantly complaining about everything going on, and guess what, people didnt like me very much. They got really sick and tired of me and didnt want to be around me. Then i started posting things that God was putting 0n my heart, and i got text messages saying that the words i put out there for everyone to see, really changed their heart, and that they really needed to hear that. We can change our generation by changing the ways that we speak. Let God speak to you, and through you. Dont hold back the excellence God has spoke into your life, for just yourself to consume. That will take you no where in life. Instead, spread it for all the world to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Teisha, you've grown so much since we first met....just want you to know how proud I am of you...You've let God change you, mold you, and create a new heart in you. You're so blessed because of your willingness to be changed!

    Love you

