Monday, February 7, 2011

Tailor your life to fit God, not God to fit into your life.

So i was reading in Proverbs the other day, and came across a scripture that caught my eye. Its Proverbs 22:17. "Listen to the words of the wise, apply your heart to my instruction". What's different about this scripture? How would we as humans normally word this? It says apply your heart to my instruction. It doesn't say apply my instruction to your heart.
What it's saying here, is that we spend too much time trying to fit God into our schedule. Trying to find time for him, and trying to fit Him in our life. When really, we should be trying to fit our life into your relationship with God.
Don't tailor God's instructions to fit into your heart. No, thats not right. We have to make our heart, and our hearts desires, fit in with Gods instruction.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fasting Facebook

Alrighty so we are two weeks into the 21 For Breaking Free, fast. Fourteen days. It ends on the 23rd. And i am fasting Facebook. Me, without Facebook for 21 days? Shocking, i understand.
But i just wanted to talk a little bit about how life is without wasting hours of mindless lurking on profiles of peers.

First off, i always complain about there are SO many things in life that i want to learn about and do, but never have the time.

For an example: Learn a new instrument, learn about the brain and how it functions, psychology, dance, go on runs, longboard, etc.

But i knew it was partially my fault, obviously. I spend a lot of time on the internet (learning about new things 3 quarters of the time i might add, so not all a waste of time) and it takes up a lot of my day. So now, with not being on the computer as much, I've been getting to do a lot of the things that I've been wanting to. I've been more active, I've been getting a lot better at Guitar, I've taken up the Harmonica, and of course reading the Word and praising God more. After all, thats the main thing your supposed to fill your time with while fasting.

Second, i have actually noticed a different in how my brain works. I feel more intelligent lol. Probably because i'm not staring at a screen all day making my brain bored by looking at the same page waiting for something exciting to happen. I feel like I've been able to think a lot more clearly, and improve in many other skills, that in the long run, will actually matter.

And last, getting a break from people is nice. You dont have the drama that comes with Facebook. I mean .. how many times do you hear "Did you see what *insert name* posted today?" .. I get so sick of it. I really couldn't care less about what people posted, or how many times they posted, or the comment thread that stirred someone up. So its nice to not be a part of that anymore. It's calming not to have to worry about all the drama going around, and just focus on life, and where you're headed in reality.

The only inconvenience is that i have no idea when my meetings are or events, because they are put together or announced on Facebook, so now i have no idea whats going on lol. And also, i cant just message someone if i need to let them know something or ask a quick question, because i don't have most of their numbers.

I started thinking .. Hm .. maybe i should just do something easy, i mean Facebook? Come on .. that will be way too hard. I should just choose something that would be easy so i dont have to worry about it. But that's not the point of fasting. The point is to go without something that you spend a lot of your time on, to show God that he is more important than that, and spend your time with Him instead of doing the thing that your fasting.
And it started off pretty lonely, because i dont really text or talk to people, but i still connect with people through social networking sites, so without that its kinda lonely. But i had someone change my password .. because i knew i'd come up with some lame excuse to check it real fast, sooo yea i had someone change my password for me so i cant get on haha. There's still the reset password option .. but then i'd really feel bad haha.
But as far as it is right now, its going good. Haven't really thought about it. It's finally becoming a part of my schedule to NOT go on Facebook first thing when i start up my lap top.

What i wanted to get across is, if your a Facebook junkie as myself, think about taking a break from it for a while. See how it is. See how life changes. Even though it seems like such a small thing, i mean its just a website .. but it really does make a difference. Now, dont do it for just a week. Because they say it takes about 30 days to break a habit. If you just try for a week .. you'll still be in the habit of going on FB and wanting to check it and update. But when you starve it for longer, then you get used to going without it. And this goes for anything.
Try it. I dare you.

One more thing, i have found though, that Twitter has been somewhat replacing my needs to update constantly .. Probably should have thought about fasting that too =P

Monday, January 3, 2011

Honor: to lift up, to elevate, to treat as uncommon.

Honor is not just something we do, it is who we are. It loves unconditionally and gives without any return. It applauds and stands at attention. It puts our needs behind others; it speaks to the king/queen in someone when they are acting the fool. Michelangelo was once noted as saying that when he looked at a rock he didn't see the rock but the sculpture within it. Honor recognizes and respects the greatness in those around us. God wants us to honor Him. We do this by treating His house and those around us as uncommon and by elevating His desires above our own.

-21 for breaking free