Monday, February 7, 2011

Tailor your life to fit God, not God to fit into your life.

So i was reading in Proverbs the other day, and came across a scripture that caught my eye. Its Proverbs 22:17. "Listen to the words of the wise, apply your heart to my instruction". What's different about this scripture? How would we as humans normally word this? It says apply your heart to my instruction. It doesn't say apply my instruction to your heart.
What it's saying here, is that we spend too much time trying to fit God into our schedule. Trying to find time for him, and trying to fit Him in our life. When really, we should be trying to fit our life into your relationship with God.
Don't tailor God's instructions to fit into your heart. No, thats not right. We have to make our heart, and our hearts desires, fit in with Gods instruction.

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