Monday, November 15, 2010

Then stop giving your heart away

A good friend recently told me somethin that is so simple, yet hit me pretty hard. Something that we all probably know already, but sometimes forget. I was talkin to the person about having your heart broken, and how im sick of getting hurt, being hurt, or any of that crap. I just said how i was so sick of it. And they responded with a simple “Then stop giving your heart away!”. DEEP. So simple, yet so true. Are you sick and tired of getting hurt?? Always being broken?? Are you blaming God for all your hurt?? Sometimes when were in a time of despair, we blame God. Why are you doing this to me?? Why would you let me hurt like this?? Why did you let this happen?” But guess what?? Its not Gods fault that your constantly getting hurt and broken. Its yours. If you dont want that to happen anymore, then stop giving your heart away!! Stop devoting yourself to another person on earth, when you havent devoted yourself to the ONLY ONE who actually matters in this corrupt place we call Earth. When we devote every fiber of our being to God, he wont hurt us. He will love us forever. He will never let us down. He will ALWAYS be there for you. He will never love you any less, or more then anyone else. Nothing you do can make him leave you, be mad at you, or hurt you. But when we become devoted to Him, this doesnt mean that we wont get hurt. Bu thats a whole other message .. How God doesnt make us get hurt, but he allows us to get hurt, because of our decisions. He doesnt go “Ok you've sinned a lot this past week, so your gonna suffer from it this next week.” No, God is not a god of karma. We are free people. We make our own decisions, and its our fault if were hurting. Xola Malik said once ; “You know the song Jesus Take The Wheel? Well i believe that Christ is saying, 'No, YOU take the wheel. I'll give you all the directions, ill be your GPS, but you ultimately determine where your going, where your headed, where you'll end up. But through it all, ill still be there giving you the right directions, no matter how much you rebel against it and try to go a different way, a faster way.'” And thats also where i think Faith comes in. Think about it .. Your GPS 'could' be wrong, it 'could' be leading you elsewhere. And of course God will never steer you wrong (pun un-intended), but we still have to have faith in Him that he is taking us where it is best for us, and where he has planned for our future to be. Faith is believing in something, without actually being able to see it. We may not be able to see God in human form, but every day, we see the works of Him, and what he has done. I mean he created Earth alone. Isnt that amazing enough??

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