Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Ultimate Worshiper

Citipointe Live was recently at my church a couple weeks ago. They put on a concert, and i got to hang with them the night after in a band meeting, and they are INCREDIBLE people by the way. LOVED. THEM. But the night of the band meeting Aaron Lucas spoke a message on the ultimate worshiper. I took notes so i thought i would post them on here =]

The Ultimate Worshiper

There are five keys a worshiper needs to have:

1. Servant-hood.
We need to get into the mind set of SERVE. Constantly serving others, always thinking what you can do to help at all times. Even if its the littlest thing like re-fill the coffee, get someone coffee, greet people, anything. Its not about us. Get over your attitudes. We are here for the people. Care more for the people and get a heart for them.

2. The fear of God.
Caring SO much for God that you fear so much to break his heart.
Proverbs 1:29 - "For they hated knowledge, and chose not to fear the Lord"

3. Prayer and Fasting.
Both need to be in your life. You don't have time? Take five minutes throughout your day to pray. If the enemy can steal your prayer, he can steal your communication to God.

4. Justice.
Not being afraid to stand up with your voice. Getting involved.
Proverbs 21:13- "Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor, will be ignored in their own time of need"

5. Discipleship.
Live life with the people in church. Be their passion. Avoid mediocre relationships.

"When an old person dies, a library burns to the ground."

"Its amazing what you can accomplish when it doesnt matter who gets the credit."

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