Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dating around? OVER RATED.

I've been thinking.. and all our world is about these days is "dating around". Just experiencing the different kind of people out there, tryin em out, seein what you like, and all that. It is such crap though. People have the mind set that every person that you go out with, that it is just one closer to finding the one. NEWSFLASH! You don't have to date around.. Or find out who's "your type". Every person that you date, and get emotionally attached to, your just giving a part of yourself away emotionally. Picture this.. Someday when you find "the one" .. Dont you want the satisfaction of letting him know that you have waited all these years for HIM? That he can now have ALL of you. Not just.. Oh.. well i still have this part of my heart left.. you can have that part.. and oh.. i didnt give that away.. here you go.. But to say, here is my whole heart, body, and mind. Imagine how special that would make him feel. Cause guess what.. You dont have to date around to find the one God created for you.. God will bring him to you when he wills for it to happen. Don't search for love, but let God bring love to you. It will all fall together. God as already planned your whole love story. He knows what you've done, what is going to happen, and the exact moment that you will meet your spouse.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I was a WEIRD kid ....

So i was lookin through our storage room (That is filled with big scary spiders i might add) and found some random scattered papers of stuff i wrote.. It proves how WEIRD i was when i was like 8-9 so i thought i'd post them haha.

Poem off of top of my head, im guessing i wrote it around.. eight years old? :

I am a girl and girls are weird,
especially me i have a long yellow beard.

I am not normal my head is a square,
I have big purple ees and tears in my hair.

No one likes me exept for my mom,
My dad is too circular and likes the name Tom.

I have no friends only my cat,
And not my owl he looks like a rat.

My cats name is Tom because of my dad,
When i look at her she looks really sad.

I eat iguanas, snakes, sometimes bats,
NOt ever stakes it looks realy bad (i think i meant STEAKS)

Another poem .. Prolly 9-10:

Dads are there for you when you are sad,
Moms punish you when you are bad.

They always take care of you when you are sick,
unlike a dog they wont bite or wont lick.

They discipline you for your own good,
So you'll turn out polite like all children should.

YOu'll have good times and bad times and sad times and more, they'll even take you to the beach to play at the shore.

When they get older you might have sad times,
Like when they stop giving you piggy-back rides.

All parents are different, some short and some tall,
But the will still love you, the best part of all.

I REALLY have NO idea what this is ...... :

Today was not fun at all, a guy shoved me in the face with a pie. Today was so unfun i thought i would almost die. Next i got chases by tigers, got blew on by a whale, then i got a rip in my one and only sail. YOu can see why my day was bad, but that is not all, a giraffe stole my purse i could not get it back because the are way too tall. My rat chewed a hole in my favorite brand new jeans, at dinner my dog stole my only refried beans. Today was not to good, i hope tomorrow is not the same, because i have no one else to blame.

And this one is a classic little kid problem haha :

I dont want to listen to my mom, i dont want to clean my room,
I dont want to listen to thunder i am scared of the big boom.

I dont want to listen to music, my dog barking, or mom yelling,
All i want to do is at my garage sale keep on selling.

Why do i have to clean my room, why do you even care?
Pillows, toys, stuffed animals, are all i have in there.

YOu never even go in unless you say goodnight,
Or if i get a poisonous spider bite.

That rarely even happens to me, only every year,
If you make me clean my room i will always have rainy tears.


All alone in the darkness in the silent night,
shivers down my spine it gives me quite a fright.

NO friends, no life, no me,
no identity, no we.

All alone in the darkness with no light lit in the candle,
life is a mess, disaster, a scramble.

Andddd a random emo journal entry from when i was 9=10 im guessing. I forgot that i had bully problems haha. Its pretty deep cause its not made up lol..:

My faveorite song has to be Sticks And Stones by Aly and AJ. Because it explains how you should not make fun of people. And why dont people understand that it hurts other people to make fun of them. And that the joke is always on me. There is this one person that always picks of me in real life, her name is ******, she always calls me ugly and she pushes me around and well, lets just say that if you ever saw a convorsation that we had on a email, you would be pretty mad too! I really have only one friend. Well, kind of two. I have always been the dorky kid at school that gets ignored, so at least at my new school Sky Valley, i fit in a tiny bit more. BUt there is this one girl that wishes i wasnt alive. I wont mention her name though. SO there are a few bullys that always picking on me. People can be pretty mean around here. SO be careful i've tried everything i can do to get rid of bullys but it is practically impossible!!! Any ideas?

Haha yea so those are the random papers i found =P and i am bored.. soooo yeaaaa heres a post..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

God has put you where you are, for a reason.

For a while, i really felt as if God was calling me to go to the public high school in our area, my Sophomore year, to reach the kids there. There are so many kids there that need to be saved, and i wanted to be a part of that. And i really was planning on transferring from my school, to there. Now my school, my school is one of those smaller places that they call a homeschool co-op, or an alternative school. Its pretty much a school where people get sent to when they've been kicked out of all the other schools lol. Personally, i love it there, and didnt want to change schools unless God called me to. I am the only person from my church that goes to my school. The only one. All of my friends go to the local high school or middle school. I know that if i were to go there, that i would not personally be able to handle the kids there, or the classes, teachers, the drama, any of it. But if God called me to, i still would. But it occurred to me.. That i am the only one that occurred ones to this school, out of everyone in my church. Therefore, maybe i've been called, to lead the peoplewho is like the lord at my school, instead of the high school that everyone goes to. That maybe its up to me to be the one to lead the youth of my school, to the Lord. Most of the youth in our church goes to the main schools, and it can be their mission to reach those people. It doesnt have to be mine. Cause God has his own plans for me, and their not the same as others, its not to be in that place, at that time. I am placed where i am, because God put me there. For a reason. Instead of worrying about the others of my generation somewhere else, why dont i just focus on the people that i can reach RIGHT NOW. Where i am at. Where God has put me. God set you on this earth with a purpose and a plan. You may have your own plans in your head, but what if we allowed God to do in our lifes, what he has willed for us. Think of the salvations that could be made, the work that would be done in peoples lifes. Let God guide you into His plan for you.

Monday, September 6, 2010


The road to sin starts in your mind. Get off the road before you travel too far.
Mark 7:21-23, "For from within, out of a persons heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you."

Proverbs 4:23, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."

Luke 6:45, "What you say flows from what is in your heart."

We need to be careful with our thoughts. I used to have a mind set, that only your physical sin mattered. That all that you think in your mind, didnt matter, and that it wasnt sin. I used to think that it was fine because we cant help our thoughts. Until i started reading about it. I found out that your thoughts are very critical. Our thoughts can convince us of many things. Our thoughts are what leads to our sinful actions. Then our actions will become habits, and our habits will become our lifestyle. And once we have a lifestyle of sinful habits.. it becomes our destiny.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Choosing Your Friends Wisely

Proverbs 12:26- "The righteous should choose their friends wisely, for the way of the wicked leads them astray"

Proverbs 13:20- "Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble"

Lately, I've been learning a lot about choosing my friends wisely, and the influence that they have on us. Our peers, are the biggest influence in our life.
These past few years, I've had a lot of different friendships, over half of them, i lost, and haven't talked to them in a long time. But friendships come and go. (Proverbs 18:24-A true friend sticks close than a brother.) But looking back on the friendships i had with those people, now that i have had a chance to grow, and find myself in the Lord, I see how much they truly changed who i was. See.. We often times are entirely convinced that our friends don't change us, we say how no way our friends are gonna change who we are, we say how they don't let them influence us, and that we know who we are and don't care what people think. But the truth is, no matter what, who we hang around is who we are going to become. We don't always notice it though. Looking back, i started to become EXACTLY like the people i hung around and became friends with. I can especially see it because i have always kept journals, and when i read the ones from just last year, i get so disappointed in myself, i am disgusted on how conceited i became, how much i was just concentrated on myself, how i blew off my friends and thought bad things about them. Why was i like that? Because the friends i had at the time were like that. Just because their "Christian" doesn't mean thats it automatically makes them ok to be friends with. Cause their are a lot of people that call themselves "Christians" but they don't life the life of a true Christ follower. We need to evaluate our friendships right now.. are the people we are spending time with, people that we would like to become? If you want to be a strong man/woman of God, then surround yourself in the environment and people whom are people of God. People that can inspire you, encourage you, and help you to be that person. People that have the same desire and longing as you do. To be the person that God calls you to be. Find people with that common interest. If you have someone in your life that is influencing you in a negative way, and pulling you away from who you long to be.. then consider ending that relationship, or limiting your time with them. And when you are with them, to be an example to them in your words, the way you live, your love, your faith, and your purity.

The Cards You've Been Delt

Here are my notes from Pastor Travis's message, "The Cards You've Been Delt".

Just like we play cards, we've all been given cards in life.

James 1:2 - "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy"

The cards we've been delt are OUR cards. We cant change or exchange them. God has delt us THOSE cards, and has a plan for all of them. We ask, WHY God, why these cards. Then we also get some good cards along with the ones we dont like. We may have a great sense of humor and we love the fact that we can make ppl laugh. We love to show off the cards that we like. But we may not like the fact that we are short for our age, prideful, arrogant, get jealous easy, etc. We may have been delt the card of divorce, and we want to hide our "bad" cards behind the good ones. We compare our cards to our friends cards, and get mad at God. Why cant we have our friends card? Why cant we have that?? We ask why he make that person die, or made us an emotional person, etc. God does not make anything bad happen in our lifes. He doesnt go, oh you've sinned so i am going to punish you. God is a God of grace. God did not make the death of a loved one happen. He let all that stuff happen so that you can become the person you are. So you can gain strength and wisdom. The "bad" cards are the ones that will make you into the person God has called you to be. They will make you stronger in life if you let God do with them what he wants. Be happy about them.