Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I was a WEIRD kid ....

So i was lookin through our storage room (That is filled with big scary spiders i might add) and found some random scattered papers of stuff i wrote.. It proves how WEIRD i was when i was like 8-9 so i thought i'd post them haha.

Poem off of top of my head, im guessing i wrote it around.. eight years old? :

I am a girl and girls are weird,
especially me i have a long yellow beard.

I am not normal my head is a square,
I have big purple ees and tears in my hair.

No one likes me exept for my mom,
My dad is too circular and likes the name Tom.

I have no friends only my cat,
And not my owl he looks like a rat.

My cats name is Tom because of my dad,
When i look at her she looks really sad.

I eat iguanas, snakes, sometimes bats,
NOt ever stakes it looks realy bad (i think i meant STEAKS)

Another poem .. Prolly 9-10:

Dads are there for you when you are sad,
Moms punish you when you are bad.

They always take care of you when you are sick,
unlike a dog they wont bite or wont lick.

They discipline you for your own good,
So you'll turn out polite like all children should.

YOu'll have good times and bad times and sad times and more, they'll even take you to the beach to play at the shore.

When they get older you might have sad times,
Like when they stop giving you piggy-back rides.

All parents are different, some short and some tall,
But the will still love you, the best part of all.

I REALLY have NO idea what this is ...... :

Today was not fun at all, a guy shoved me in the face with a pie. Today was so unfun i thought i would almost die. Next i got chases by tigers, got blew on by a whale, then i got a rip in my one and only sail. YOu can see why my day was bad, but that is not all, a giraffe stole my purse i could not get it back because the are way too tall. My rat chewed a hole in my favorite brand new jeans, at dinner my dog stole my only refried beans. Today was not to good, i hope tomorrow is not the same, because i have no one else to blame.

And this one is a classic little kid problem haha :

I dont want to listen to my mom, i dont want to clean my room,
I dont want to listen to thunder i am scared of the big boom.

I dont want to listen to music, my dog barking, or mom yelling,
All i want to do is at my garage sale keep on selling.

Why do i have to clean my room, why do you even care?
Pillows, toys, stuffed animals, are all i have in there.

YOu never even go in unless you say goodnight,
Or if i get a poisonous spider bite.

That rarely even happens to me, only every year,
If you make me clean my room i will always have rainy tears.


All alone in the darkness in the silent night,
shivers down my spine it gives me quite a fright.

NO friends, no life, no me,
no identity, no we.

All alone in the darkness with no light lit in the candle,
life is a mess, disaster, a scramble.

Andddd a random emo journal entry from when i was 9=10 im guessing. I forgot that i had bully problems haha. Its pretty deep cause its not made up lol..:

My faveorite song has to be Sticks And Stones by Aly and AJ. Because it explains how you should not make fun of people. And why dont people understand that it hurts other people to make fun of them. And that the joke is always on me. There is this one person that always picks of me in real life, her name is ******, she always calls me ugly and she pushes me around and well, lets just say that if you ever saw a convorsation that we had on a email, you would be pretty mad too! I really have only one friend. Well, kind of two. I have always been the dorky kid at school that gets ignored, so at least at my new school Sky Valley, i fit in a tiny bit more. BUt there is this one girl that wishes i wasnt alive. I wont mention her name though. SO there are a few bullys that always picking on me. People can be pretty mean around here. SO be careful i've tried everything i can do to get rid of bullys but it is practically impossible!!! Any ideas?

Haha yea so those are the random papers i found =P and i am bored.. soooo yeaaaa heres a post..

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