Wednesday, September 15, 2010

God has put you where you are, for a reason.

For a while, i really felt as if God was calling me to go to the public high school in our area, my Sophomore year, to reach the kids there. There are so many kids there that need to be saved, and i wanted to be a part of that. And i really was planning on transferring from my school, to there. Now my school, my school is one of those smaller places that they call a homeschool co-op, or an alternative school. Its pretty much a school where people get sent to when they've been kicked out of all the other schools lol. Personally, i love it there, and didnt want to change schools unless God called me to. I am the only person from my church that goes to my school. The only one. All of my friends go to the local high school or middle school. I know that if i were to go there, that i would not personally be able to handle the kids there, or the classes, teachers, the drama, any of it. But if God called me to, i still would. But it occurred to me.. That i am the only one that occurred ones to this school, out of everyone in my church. Therefore, maybe i've been called, to lead the peoplewho is like the lord at my school, instead of the high school that everyone goes to. That maybe its up to me to be the one to lead the youth of my school, to the Lord. Most of the youth in our church goes to the main schools, and it can be their mission to reach those people. It doesnt have to be mine. Cause God has his own plans for me, and their not the same as others, its not to be in that place, at that time. I am placed where i am, because God put me there. For a reason. Instead of worrying about the others of my generation somewhere else, why dont i just focus on the people that i can reach RIGHT NOW. Where i am at. Where God has put me. God set you on this earth with a purpose and a plan. You may have your own plans in your head, but what if we allowed God to do in our lifes, what he has willed for us. Think of the salvations that could be made, the work that would be done in peoples lifes. Let God guide you into His plan for you.

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