Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dating around? OVER RATED.

I've been thinking.. and all our world is about these days is "dating around". Just experiencing the different kind of people out there, tryin em out, seein what you like, and all that. It is such crap though. People have the mind set that every person that you go out with, that it is just one closer to finding the one. NEWSFLASH! You don't have to date around.. Or find out who's "your type". Every person that you date, and get emotionally attached to, your just giving a part of yourself away emotionally. Picture this.. Someday when you find "the one" .. Dont you want the satisfaction of letting him know that you have waited all these years for HIM? That he can now have ALL of you. Not just.. Oh.. well i still have this part of my heart left.. you can have that part.. and oh.. i didnt give that away.. here you go.. But to say, here is my whole heart, body, and mind. Imagine how special that would make him feel. Cause guess what.. You dont have to date around to find the one God created for you.. God will bring him to you when he wills for it to happen. Don't search for love, but let God bring love to you. It will all fall together. God as already planned your whole love story. He knows what you've done, what is going to happen, and the exact moment that you will meet your spouse.


  1. Seriously, did I have such a wise daughter!!
    I am soooooooooo proud of you.

  2. Amazing! and so true. Every relationship you are in takes a little piece of your heart away, and soon enough you have nothing left to love the person who you truely will spend your life with.
