Monday, February 7, 2011

Tailor your life to fit God, not God to fit into your life.

So i was reading in Proverbs the other day, and came across a scripture that caught my eye. Its Proverbs 22:17. "Listen to the words of the wise, apply your heart to my instruction". What's different about this scripture? How would we as humans normally word this? It says apply your heart to my instruction. It doesn't say apply my instruction to your heart.
What it's saying here, is that we spend too much time trying to fit God into our schedule. Trying to find time for him, and trying to fit Him in our life. When really, we should be trying to fit our life into your relationship with God.
Don't tailor God's instructions to fit into your heart. No, thats not right. We have to make our heart, and our hearts desires, fit in with Gods instruction.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fasting Facebook

Alrighty so we are two weeks into the 21 For Breaking Free, fast. Fourteen days. It ends on the 23rd. And i am fasting Facebook. Me, without Facebook for 21 days? Shocking, i understand.
But i just wanted to talk a little bit about how life is without wasting hours of mindless lurking on profiles of peers.

First off, i always complain about there are SO many things in life that i want to learn about and do, but never have the time.

For an example: Learn a new instrument, learn about the brain and how it functions, psychology, dance, go on runs, longboard, etc.

But i knew it was partially my fault, obviously. I spend a lot of time on the internet (learning about new things 3 quarters of the time i might add, so not all a waste of time) and it takes up a lot of my day. So now, with not being on the computer as much, I've been getting to do a lot of the things that I've been wanting to. I've been more active, I've been getting a lot better at Guitar, I've taken up the Harmonica, and of course reading the Word and praising God more. After all, thats the main thing your supposed to fill your time with while fasting.

Second, i have actually noticed a different in how my brain works. I feel more intelligent lol. Probably because i'm not staring at a screen all day making my brain bored by looking at the same page waiting for something exciting to happen. I feel like I've been able to think a lot more clearly, and improve in many other skills, that in the long run, will actually matter.

And last, getting a break from people is nice. You dont have the drama that comes with Facebook. I mean .. how many times do you hear "Did you see what *insert name* posted today?" .. I get so sick of it. I really couldn't care less about what people posted, or how many times they posted, or the comment thread that stirred someone up. So its nice to not be a part of that anymore. It's calming not to have to worry about all the drama going around, and just focus on life, and where you're headed in reality.

The only inconvenience is that i have no idea when my meetings are or events, because they are put together or announced on Facebook, so now i have no idea whats going on lol. And also, i cant just message someone if i need to let them know something or ask a quick question, because i don't have most of their numbers.

I started thinking .. Hm .. maybe i should just do something easy, i mean Facebook? Come on .. that will be way too hard. I should just choose something that would be easy so i dont have to worry about it. But that's not the point of fasting. The point is to go without something that you spend a lot of your time on, to show God that he is more important than that, and spend your time with Him instead of doing the thing that your fasting.
And it started off pretty lonely, because i dont really text or talk to people, but i still connect with people through social networking sites, so without that its kinda lonely. But i had someone change my password .. because i knew i'd come up with some lame excuse to check it real fast, sooo yea i had someone change my password for me so i cant get on haha. There's still the reset password option .. but then i'd really feel bad haha.
But as far as it is right now, its going good. Haven't really thought about it. It's finally becoming a part of my schedule to NOT go on Facebook first thing when i start up my lap top.

What i wanted to get across is, if your a Facebook junkie as myself, think about taking a break from it for a while. See how it is. See how life changes. Even though it seems like such a small thing, i mean its just a website .. but it really does make a difference. Now, dont do it for just a week. Because they say it takes about 30 days to break a habit. If you just try for a week .. you'll still be in the habit of going on FB and wanting to check it and update. But when you starve it for longer, then you get used to going without it. And this goes for anything.
Try it. I dare you.

One more thing, i have found though, that Twitter has been somewhat replacing my needs to update constantly .. Probably should have thought about fasting that too =P

Monday, January 3, 2011

Honor: to lift up, to elevate, to treat as uncommon.

Honor is not just something we do, it is who we are. It loves unconditionally and gives without any return. It applauds and stands at attention. It puts our needs behind others; it speaks to the king/queen in someone when they are acting the fool. Michelangelo was once noted as saying that when he looked at a rock he didn't see the rock but the sculpture within it. Honor recognizes and respects the greatness in those around us. God wants us to honor Him. We do this by treating His house and those around us as uncommon and by elevating His desires above our own.

-21 for breaking free

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

100 reasons why Stacey is my bffaeaeaeae

100 Reasons why you are my bffaeaeaeae:

1.You go to the coolest church on the planet
2.You are a Christ follower
3. Your just so gosh darn beautiful =]
4. Your parents are my parents, my parents are your parents.
5. We can just be like “Hey wanna come over?” “Yea sure” “Ok cool” “So im comin over?” “Yup” “Sweet”
6.We can give eachother a look and know exactly what eachother are thinking.
7.We bust up laughing at an inside joke in front of everyone and when they question us we just act like nothing happened.
8.You ALWAYS have my back and back me up on everything =]
9.You are a terrific liar, which comes in handy cause i am a terrible one.
10.You can take a secret to the grave.
11. We have the best inside jokes.
14.DOOOOODLING is a skill =]
16.Your honest
17.You support me
18.You make me keep in touch with my inner “girliness”
19.We can greet eachother with insults and not be offended.
20.You make me not be emo, and make me be happy and socialize.
21.You know when theres something wrong with me just by looking at me for a second.
22.You make me delicious food =]
23.You bring out my inner Mexican
24.Sabes Que??
25.Marshmallow fight!!!!
26.3am .. hahahaha ..Malachi .....grrrr dang you Dez haha.
27.Your random laugh attacks at night when you get loopy and start hitting me and laughing more, then in the morning you dont remember a thing, but i just sat through the night watching and videotaping you and then i tell you in the morning how drunk you acted =P
28.How freakin OPPOSITE we are. You force me to socialize and cope with big groups even though you know i hate them =P
29.We bash on eachother about our taste in music but listen to it anyways just to make the other happy haha. Justin Bieber vs. Joe Brooks.
30.We dance like idiots then put it on YouTube for the whole world to see, and later regret it ..
31.We make pointless videos that never end up being posted anywhere because their too embarassing haha.
32.You is so pretty and you model for me =]
33.You let me do your makeup .. even though your so freakin dark that none of my stuff shows up on your face =P
34.You claim to be an innocent sweet girl til someone makes you mad then you get all “HOLD ME BACK TEISHA!!!” Hahahaha. You know its true.
35.Your always all dressed up and lookin adorable while im always in jeans and a sweatshirt with running shoes on haha. Opposites ..
36.You love to constantly be with people and talk, i love to just sit alone and be quiet. Opposites ..
37.You love justin bieber, Twilight, and Usher .. i love Queen, Star Wars, and Journey. Opposites ..
38.We try to memorize rediculously confusing songs like We Go Together but end up just going “daadadadaada”
39.You listen to me go on and on and on about something i dont even know what im talking about myself haha.
40.You give me hugs =]
41.You are there for me. Duh .. you better be .. your my bffaeaeaeae xD
42.You'll wanna beat up anyone who does me wrong =]
43.You come to my school overdressed then realize its a school for freaks =] haha
44.You let me try to teach you to swing dance, then you try to teach me how to dance and i FAILLLL.
45.We hang with eachother and do nothing. Or spend the whole time trying to figure out what we want to eat
46.Your not a debbie downer
47.You dont give yourself away to guys. You have integrity
48.You slap really hard .. thats not why your my bffaeaeaeae ... but you do ..
49.Everyone knows never to mess with you .. cause of the previous statement.
50.You're not perfect or normal .. haha face it, we'd all be boring and annoying if we were normal and perfect.
51.You kill icky bugs for me and move them from the under the cup in my room to outside.
52.You wash dishes for me and help with chores =]
53.Your half Mexican and half El Salvadoran .. thats just cool.
54.You help me dress myself in the morning when you sleep over cause you've got a lot more fashion sense than i do =P Not literally dress myself .. just pick out my clothes haha.
55.Your not a druggie, drunk, or smoker. Though some nights i swear your high haha. You and Dez .. Oy vey ..
56.You help me with my homework =]
57.Were both always in denial about something and have to try to convince eachother of it =P
58.Sometimes you act “shy” but we all know your not haha. .. only sometimes =]

59.The way you can say something totally seriously but its not true, and sometimes you can even convince me that its true haha. Not anymore though =] Hehe
60.You know how to have fun and party =]
61.You'll do crazy things with me
62.You have awesomely adorable lil cousins. That dont really like me .. haha im serious i just dont think babys like me haha. Someday =] Auntie Teisha!!!
63.If i needed to get away from someone i know you'd come up with some lame excuse to get me away from them haha.
64.You've seen me with zero makeup on. And everyone knows thats pretty rare =]
65.We'll give eachother crazy blind makeovers or just do eachothers makeup badly and try to make eachother look like queeeers.
66.You've seen me cry (At camp) and thats rare for people to see.
67.Your not afraid to get crazy every once and a while and do something out of your comfort zone. You'll try new things. 3Am .. hahaha .. no. Not funny.
68.You encourage me to try new things.
69.You embrace your inner “farm girl” when your at my house =]
70.When you come over you look like me, in my clothes, chillin on the farm (Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin with no makeup on, thats when your the prettiest i hope that you dont take it wrong ;) ), ridin our donkey, bein a hick =] haha.
72.Remember the time you wrote the letter 'B' on my forehead with lipstick while playing truth or dare? Haha.
73.In dead silent moments you'll be the one to speak up and be like “Sooo hows everyone doinnnn??” Haha.
74.You sing Down With The Sickness like a pr0.
75.Your house has pro WiFi and no service. My house gets sucky WiFi and .. well .. yea we have sucky service also ..
76.You'll try to learn how to jerk with me haha. So embarassing ..
77.You think before you speak. Unlike a lot of people these days.
78.We walk around and chill in EVERY store in the Albertsons parking lot for like an hour or more, just for fun =P
79.Being the aunt to your baby =]
80.The night in the camper with Dez ..
81. Jumping on your trampoline with soap and water.
82.Trying to fit in your bathtub with you and your cousin.
83.The drive to winter camp.
84.Winter camp in general.
85.Me trying to fall asleep laying across you guys.
86.You accept me for my nerdy dorky self.
87.We couldnt be more comfortable around eachother.
88.You try to strangle me with my own belt.
89.Were contstantly saying stuff and not even having to say “thats what she said” but just start busting up laughing.
90.Our BBQ chip fight on my couch.
91.I can trust you to keep any secret.
92.We write notes to ourselfs together to open them in the future and see how dumb we were.
93.The face you make when your laughing and super loopy.
94.Your a good listener
95.We have mostly the same friends
96.Hot by Avril Lavigne
97.Crush by David Archuleta
98.You make the most awesome faces in pictures
99.You accept my corniness
100.You know how dorky, embarassing, stupid, blonde, clueless, slow, dumb, selfish, jealous, mean, emo, angry, weak, rude, kill-joy, lame, scary-looking, loopy, weird, depressed, negative, nerdy, i can be, yet you still chose me to be your bffaeaeaeae =]

101. (BONUS) The fact that this list was wayyyyy too easy to write.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Then stop giving your heart away

A good friend recently told me somethin that is so simple, yet hit me pretty hard. Something that we all probably know already, but sometimes forget. I was talkin to the person about having your heart broken, and how im sick of getting hurt, being hurt, or any of that crap. I just said how i was so sick of it. And they responded with a simple “Then stop giving your heart away!”. DEEP. So simple, yet so true. Are you sick and tired of getting hurt?? Always being broken?? Are you blaming God for all your hurt?? Sometimes when were in a time of despair, we blame God. Why are you doing this to me?? Why would you let me hurt like this?? Why did you let this happen?” But guess what?? Its not Gods fault that your constantly getting hurt and broken. Its yours. If you dont want that to happen anymore, then stop giving your heart away!! Stop devoting yourself to another person on earth, when you havent devoted yourself to the ONLY ONE who actually matters in this corrupt place we call Earth. When we devote every fiber of our being to God, he wont hurt us. He will love us forever. He will never let us down. He will ALWAYS be there for you. He will never love you any less, or more then anyone else. Nothing you do can make him leave you, be mad at you, or hurt you. But when we become devoted to Him, this doesnt mean that we wont get hurt. Bu thats a whole other message .. How God doesnt make us get hurt, but he allows us to get hurt, because of our decisions. He doesnt go “Ok you've sinned a lot this past week, so your gonna suffer from it this next week.” No, God is not a god of karma. We are free people. We make our own decisions, and its our fault if were hurting. Xola Malik said once ; “You know the song Jesus Take The Wheel? Well i believe that Christ is saying, 'No, YOU take the wheel. I'll give you all the directions, ill be your GPS, but you ultimately determine where your going, where your headed, where you'll end up. But through it all, ill still be there giving you the right directions, no matter how much you rebel against it and try to go a different way, a faster way.'” And thats also where i think Faith comes in. Think about it .. Your GPS 'could' be wrong, it 'could' be leading you elsewhere. And of course God will never steer you wrong (pun un-intended), but we still have to have faith in Him that he is taking us where it is best for us, and where he has planned for our future to be. Faith is believing in something, without actually being able to see it. We may not be able to see God in human form, but every day, we see the works of Him, and what he has done. I mean he created Earth alone. Isnt that amazing enough??

Sunday, November 14, 2010


“Every breath is an opportunity to receive and let go. I receive love and I let go of pain.” – Brenda MacIntyre

“We need in love to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily--we do not need to learn it.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

“Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.” – Anonymous

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell

“There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world; it’s the beginning of a new life.” – Anonymous

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

Anger Quotes

I was looking up quotes for being mad at someone you love, these arent exactly that, but i thought they were things everyone should hear. Very useful advice.

He who angers you conquers you. ~Elizabeth Kenny

Get mad, then get over it. ~Colin Powell

If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot. ~Korean Proverb

No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched. ~George Jean Nathan

At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled. ~Marshall B. Rosenberg

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ~Unknown Author

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. ~Ambrose Bierce

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Ultimate Worshiper

Citipointe Live was recently at my church a couple weeks ago. They put on a concert, and i got to hang with them the night after in a band meeting, and they are INCREDIBLE people by the way. LOVED. THEM. But the night of the band meeting Aaron Lucas spoke a message on the ultimate worshiper. I took notes so i thought i would post them on here =]

The Ultimate Worshiper

There are five keys a worshiper needs to have:

1. Servant-hood.
We need to get into the mind set of SERVE. Constantly serving others, always thinking what you can do to help at all times. Even if its the littlest thing like re-fill the coffee, get someone coffee, greet people, anything. Its not about us. Get over your attitudes. We are here for the people. Care more for the people and get a heart for them.

2. The fear of God.
Caring SO much for God that you fear so much to break his heart.
Proverbs 1:29 - "For they hated knowledge, and chose not to fear the Lord"

3. Prayer and Fasting.
Both need to be in your life. You don't have time? Take five minutes throughout your day to pray. If the enemy can steal your prayer, he can steal your communication to God.

4. Justice.
Not being afraid to stand up with your voice. Getting involved.
Proverbs 21:13- "Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor, will be ignored in their own time of need"

5. Discipleship.
Live life with the people in church. Be their passion. Avoid mediocre relationships.

"When an old person dies, a library burns to the ground."

"Its amazing what you can accomplish when it doesnt matter who gets the credit."


WOW .. i have been so busy lately with school that i haven't had time to blog at all. I've hardly have time to think about anything. So much work and it's only my Freshman year. But its all good, work and stress creates character =] Haha or at least thats what they all say .. Thought these past couple weeks there has been something on my mind. Motivation. Theres a couple reasons i've been thinking about motivation. One, its that time in school where your just getting sick of it and your work is piling up, your so tired and constantly doing work, and personally, i am a huge procrastinator. Big issue. I always wait til last minute .. And i have the hardest time getting the motivation to do it. Another thing .. I LOVE running, working out, yoga, all that good stuff. I love it, i love doing it, i love how it makes you feel, but i have a hard time finding the motivation to actually get up and do it. A friend told me recently, that the only cure to procrastination is to just DO IT. You just have to get up, and do it. But anyways .. thats not the type of motivation im talkin about. I dont know really why i brought that up lol. ANYWAYS .. The type of motivation i'm talking about is our motivation to go to church. What we go for. Why we get up SO early on a Sunday (or at least i do =P) to go down to a building with a bunch of people in it, and listen to someone preach about the Bible, the word of God.
You see, i have been noticing something these past couple weeks about the motivation of the people around me to go to church. Along with myself. Not in a judgmental way, because we all get sidetracked.
People wonder why other people say "i know your type" "i can read you, who you are" and all that, but really, there is so much that tells who a person is. For an example .. when your at church, and your all happy to be there, chillin with your friends, laughing and having fun, then someone suggests, HAY lets just skip out on service this one time, we can just chill here and have fun. Its ok if we dont go to the service just this time. What is it saying about you? If yo go to church, but dont here the message, why are you there??? The whole reason of the Church is for you to come, hear the word of God, be in his presence, and have your life changed. You see, sometimes we loose the meaning of church. Sometimes we get into a rut, and the TRUE reason that we go, is for another reason other than god. We go for our friends, to hang out, have fun inbetween services, or your boyfriend/girlfriend will be there and thats the only reason you even want to go. And during service, your not really concentrating. Your sitting there knodding your head, raising your hands, jumping around in worship, GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS, but during the whole thing, in your head your thinking about .. "what am i gonna do later? I should see if me and my friends can hang after church. Ughh this service is so long, i wish it was over already so i could go talk to my friends, i have something really important to tell them". That shows that you are not in church for the right reasons. You should be listening so intently that your not paying attention to the people beside you. Take in the pastors words of wisdom, they will guide you through that rough time that you were needing to talk to your friend about. Not only is it the wrong motivation, but it is disrespectful to the pastors. They spend months preparing this word to be spoken into your life. And when you dont listen? Just think about that ..When you worship, worship from the depths of your soul, with all of your heart. Dont just go through the motions. Years and years and years ago Pastor Travis spoke a message about just going through the motions of church, doing the same thing every Sunday, and it has stuck with me through all this time. If you've been a Christ follower for a long time now, and you haven't reached out to non-Christians .. then what are you doing?? Our soul purpose, the reason God put us here, is to reach every person on this earth and lead them to Him. If your just sitting in church every week, and not spreading the word, not reaching out to others, just trying to save yourself, then i dont think were doing our job. I believe that we all get into this motion now and then. But we gotta set ourselves straight, and remember what we should be goin for.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dating around? OVER RATED.

I've been thinking.. and all our world is about these days is "dating around". Just experiencing the different kind of people out there, tryin em out, seein what you like, and all that. It is such crap though. People have the mind set that every person that you go out with, that it is just one closer to finding the one. NEWSFLASH! You don't have to date around.. Or find out who's "your type". Every person that you date, and get emotionally attached to, your just giving a part of yourself away emotionally. Picture this.. Someday when you find "the one" .. Dont you want the satisfaction of letting him know that you have waited all these years for HIM? That he can now have ALL of you. Not just.. Oh.. well i still have this part of my heart left.. you can have that part.. and oh.. i didnt give that away.. here you go.. But to say, here is my whole heart, body, and mind. Imagine how special that would make him feel. Cause guess what.. You dont have to date around to find the one God created for you.. God will bring him to you when he wills for it to happen. Don't search for love, but let God bring love to you. It will all fall together. God as already planned your whole love story. He knows what you've done, what is going to happen, and the exact moment that you will meet your spouse.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I was a WEIRD kid ....

So i was lookin through our storage room (That is filled with big scary spiders i might add) and found some random scattered papers of stuff i wrote.. It proves how WEIRD i was when i was like 8-9 so i thought i'd post them haha.

Poem off of top of my head, im guessing i wrote it around.. eight years old? :

I am a girl and girls are weird,
especially me i have a long yellow beard.

I am not normal my head is a square,
I have big purple ees and tears in my hair.

No one likes me exept for my mom,
My dad is too circular and likes the name Tom.

I have no friends only my cat,
And not my owl he looks like a rat.

My cats name is Tom because of my dad,
When i look at her she looks really sad.

I eat iguanas, snakes, sometimes bats,
NOt ever stakes it looks realy bad (i think i meant STEAKS)

Another poem .. Prolly 9-10:

Dads are there for you when you are sad,
Moms punish you when you are bad.

They always take care of you when you are sick,
unlike a dog they wont bite or wont lick.

They discipline you for your own good,
So you'll turn out polite like all children should.

YOu'll have good times and bad times and sad times and more, they'll even take you to the beach to play at the shore.

When they get older you might have sad times,
Like when they stop giving you piggy-back rides.

All parents are different, some short and some tall,
But the will still love you, the best part of all.

I REALLY have NO idea what this is ...... :

Today was not fun at all, a guy shoved me in the face with a pie. Today was so unfun i thought i would almost die. Next i got chases by tigers, got blew on by a whale, then i got a rip in my one and only sail. YOu can see why my day was bad, but that is not all, a giraffe stole my purse i could not get it back because the are way too tall. My rat chewed a hole in my favorite brand new jeans, at dinner my dog stole my only refried beans. Today was not to good, i hope tomorrow is not the same, because i have no one else to blame.

And this one is a classic little kid problem haha :

I dont want to listen to my mom, i dont want to clean my room,
I dont want to listen to thunder i am scared of the big boom.

I dont want to listen to music, my dog barking, or mom yelling,
All i want to do is at my garage sale keep on selling.

Why do i have to clean my room, why do you even care?
Pillows, toys, stuffed animals, are all i have in there.

YOu never even go in unless you say goodnight,
Or if i get a poisonous spider bite.

That rarely even happens to me, only every year,
If you make me clean my room i will always have rainy tears.


All alone in the darkness in the silent night,
shivers down my spine it gives me quite a fright.

NO friends, no life, no me,
no identity, no we.

All alone in the darkness with no light lit in the candle,
life is a mess, disaster, a scramble.

Andddd a random emo journal entry from when i was 9=10 im guessing. I forgot that i had bully problems haha. Its pretty deep cause its not made up lol..:

My faveorite song has to be Sticks And Stones by Aly and AJ. Because it explains how you should not make fun of people. And why dont people understand that it hurts other people to make fun of them. And that the joke is always on me. There is this one person that always picks of me in real life, her name is ******, she always calls me ugly and she pushes me around and well, lets just say that if you ever saw a convorsation that we had on a email, you would be pretty mad too! I really have only one friend. Well, kind of two. I have always been the dorky kid at school that gets ignored, so at least at my new school Sky Valley, i fit in a tiny bit more. BUt there is this one girl that wishes i wasnt alive. I wont mention her name though. SO there are a few bullys that always picking on me. People can be pretty mean around here. SO be careful i've tried everything i can do to get rid of bullys but it is practically impossible!!! Any ideas?

Haha yea so those are the random papers i found =P and i am bored.. soooo yeaaaa heres a post..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

God has put you where you are, for a reason.

For a while, i really felt as if God was calling me to go to the public high school in our area, my Sophomore year, to reach the kids there. There are so many kids there that need to be saved, and i wanted to be a part of that. And i really was planning on transferring from my school, to there. Now my school, my school is one of those smaller places that they call a homeschool co-op, or an alternative school. Its pretty much a school where people get sent to when they've been kicked out of all the other schools lol. Personally, i love it there, and didnt want to change schools unless God called me to. I am the only person from my church that goes to my school. The only one. All of my friends go to the local high school or middle school. I know that if i were to go there, that i would not personally be able to handle the kids there, or the classes, teachers, the drama, any of it. But if God called me to, i still would. But it occurred to me.. That i am the only one that occurred ones to this school, out of everyone in my church. Therefore, maybe i've been called, to lead the peoplewho is like the lord at my school, instead of the high school that everyone goes to. That maybe its up to me to be the one to lead the youth of my school, to the Lord. Most of the youth in our church goes to the main schools, and it can be their mission to reach those people. It doesnt have to be mine. Cause God has his own plans for me, and their not the same as others, its not to be in that place, at that time. I am placed where i am, because God put me there. For a reason. Instead of worrying about the others of my generation somewhere else, why dont i just focus on the people that i can reach RIGHT NOW. Where i am at. Where God has put me. God set you on this earth with a purpose and a plan. You may have your own plans in your head, but what if we allowed God to do in our lifes, what he has willed for us. Think of the salvations that could be made, the work that would be done in peoples lifes. Let God guide you into His plan for you.

Monday, September 6, 2010


The road to sin starts in your mind. Get off the road before you travel too far.
Mark 7:21-23, "For from within, out of a persons heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you."

Proverbs 4:23, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."

Luke 6:45, "What you say flows from what is in your heart."

We need to be careful with our thoughts. I used to have a mind set, that only your physical sin mattered. That all that you think in your mind, didnt matter, and that it wasnt sin. I used to think that it was fine because we cant help our thoughts. Until i started reading about it. I found out that your thoughts are very critical. Our thoughts can convince us of many things. Our thoughts are what leads to our sinful actions. Then our actions will become habits, and our habits will become our lifestyle. And once we have a lifestyle of sinful habits.. it becomes our destiny.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Choosing Your Friends Wisely

Proverbs 12:26- "The righteous should choose their friends wisely, for the way of the wicked leads them astray"

Proverbs 13:20- "Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble"

Lately, I've been learning a lot about choosing my friends wisely, and the influence that they have on us. Our peers, are the biggest influence in our life.
These past few years, I've had a lot of different friendships, over half of them, i lost, and haven't talked to them in a long time. But friendships come and go. (Proverbs 18:24-A true friend sticks close than a brother.) But looking back on the friendships i had with those people, now that i have had a chance to grow, and find myself in the Lord, I see how much they truly changed who i was. See.. We often times are entirely convinced that our friends don't change us, we say how no way our friends are gonna change who we are, we say how they don't let them influence us, and that we know who we are and don't care what people think. But the truth is, no matter what, who we hang around is who we are going to become. We don't always notice it though. Looking back, i started to become EXACTLY like the people i hung around and became friends with. I can especially see it because i have always kept journals, and when i read the ones from just last year, i get so disappointed in myself, i am disgusted on how conceited i became, how much i was just concentrated on myself, how i blew off my friends and thought bad things about them. Why was i like that? Because the friends i had at the time were like that. Just because their "Christian" doesn't mean thats it automatically makes them ok to be friends with. Cause their are a lot of people that call themselves "Christians" but they don't life the life of a true Christ follower. We need to evaluate our friendships right now.. are the people we are spending time with, people that we would like to become? If you want to be a strong man/woman of God, then surround yourself in the environment and people whom are people of God. People that can inspire you, encourage you, and help you to be that person. People that have the same desire and longing as you do. To be the person that God calls you to be. Find people with that common interest. If you have someone in your life that is influencing you in a negative way, and pulling you away from who you long to be.. then consider ending that relationship, or limiting your time with them. And when you are with them, to be an example to them in your words, the way you live, your love, your faith, and your purity.

The Cards You've Been Delt

Here are my notes from Pastor Travis's message, "The Cards You've Been Delt".

Just like we play cards, we've all been given cards in life.

James 1:2 - "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy"

The cards we've been delt are OUR cards. We cant change or exchange them. God has delt us THOSE cards, and has a plan for all of them. We ask, WHY God, why these cards. Then we also get some good cards along with the ones we dont like. We may have a great sense of humor and we love the fact that we can make ppl laugh. We love to show off the cards that we like. But we may not like the fact that we are short for our age, prideful, arrogant, get jealous easy, etc. We may have been delt the card of divorce, and we want to hide our "bad" cards behind the good ones. We compare our cards to our friends cards, and get mad at God. Why cant we have our friends card? Why cant we have that?? We ask why he make that person die, or made us an emotional person, etc. God does not make anything bad happen in our lifes. He doesnt go, oh you've sinned so i am going to punish you. God is a God of grace. God did not make the death of a loved one happen. He let all that stuff happen so that you can become the person you are. So you can gain strength and wisdom. The "bad" cards are the ones that will make you into the person God has called you to be. They will make you stronger in life if you let God do with them what he wants. Be happy about them.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reaching People Through Social Networking for God.

God been putting something on my heart lately about the media. We have so many ways to talk to eachother. We use Facebook, Myspace, Email, Texting, Phone calls, Twitter, and all these social networking sites that we use to reach people, talk, and stay connected. Those who text, im sure you all know how annoying and stupid chain mail is. Its all about forwarding some message or else you will have bad luck, or your crush wont love you, or your mom will die or somethin stupid. Sometimes we use social networking for things that we shouldnt. Complaining, letting out feelings that we will later regret, and it spreads to the world. I know personally i struggled with that and Twitter when it first came out. I had no one to talk to so i would vent everything on Twitter. We shouldn't be using MS and FB for that type of stuff. We dont realize that we have an amazing opportunity right in front of us. We have all these ways to reach and influence people. Everything we say influence someone in someway. I say we stop using these networks to complain and be negative about everything, and start using them to reach and encourage people with the words of God. Why send out a post about how your day at work or schooled sucked, when you can post a verse that will encourage us all, and uplift our spirits. Why send a text to our friend saying how someone just upset you, and gossip to them, when you could text them something Godly that has been on your heart. Imagine if all of us did this, if we all posted something that we are thankful for each day, or something that God has been doing in your life, or even just the highlight of your day. Instead of embracing all the negative crap going on in our lifes. Were supposed to bring all that crap to God, not to the world. Not to Twitter or FaceBook. That just causes rumors and drama. So bring all that negativity to God, and start spreading the word to everyone you can. Just that, will make SUCH a big difference.
Posting how terrible your feel wont do anything, how about saying how you know God will heal you and you are so thankful for that? I have personally experimented. I used to be constantly complaining about everything going on, and guess what, people didnt like me very much. They got really sick and tired of me and didnt want to be around me. Then i started posting things that God was putting 0n my heart, and i got text messages saying that the words i put out there for everyone to see, really changed their heart, and that they really needed to hear that. We can change our generation by changing the ways that we speak. Let God speak to you, and through you. Dont hold back the excellence God has spoke into your life, for just yourself to consume. That will take you no where in life. Instead, spread it for all the world to hear.

What Does It Mean To Be Beautiful

What does it mean to be beautiful?

1 Peter 3:4 says: "You should clothe yourselfs instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."

Proverbs 31:30 says: "Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised"

Romans 10:15 says: " And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the scriptures say, "How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news" ."

B- Be yourself. If we are not ourselfs, then when we find "Mr. Right" then hes not going to like us for who we are, hes gonna like us for someone we are trying to be.

E- Enjoy life and the place that your in. We often live our lifes always looking forward to something, saying "I cant wait!!" and we try to pass time as quickly as possible, we dont enjoy the time inbetween. We need to enjoy every moment of our lifes, because we will never get these times back once they are gone.

A- Always maintain your hygiene.

U- Use your God given gifts to talk positively. "If someone is gossiping to you, they are probably gossiping about you." If you wouldnt say it to their face, dont say it to anyone else.

T- Trust. Trust that God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11

I- Intelligence. Choose your friends wisely. Our friends have the GREATEST influence on our lifes. Who you hang out with, is who you will become.

F- Forgive. Even when your wrong. Be the friend you want to have.

U- Understand that God wants to be yoru father.

L- Love. Love God first and He will bring your romeo. He is to chase you, you are to say no and say yes to God, at this point in our lifes.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

HEADLINES- Ten Not So Common Courtesies to Start Working On Today

1. Go out of your way to speak to people. "Pleasant words are...healing"
Proverbs 16:24

2. Make a commitment to engage in honor. Our actions will then be swayed by our commitment, not circumstance. 1 Peter 3:8-9. It determines our level of blessing.

3. Smile, it adds to your face value.

4. Be friendly and helpful. If you do, people will return it. "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

5. SHow genuine interest. If you try, you can find the good in almost anyone. Phil 4:8-9, "Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

6. Be cautious with criticism and generous with praise.

7. Be slow to judge. Three sides to every story: your side, their side, and the correct side.

8. Instead of using others, serve them. Galatians 5:13, "Use your freedom to serve one another in love."

9. Start trusting people-- It builds lasting relationships.

10. Be humble. Oswald Chambers, "When a saint becomes conscious of being a saint, something has gone wrong."

Acquire The Fire- Notes

Im lookin through my prayer/notes journal and all the ATF sessions are in it. So i thought i'd write the notes down of what Joel preached on Romantic Love and about our Identity. Their just a few notes so may be kinda hard to understand, sketchy, and jumps around a lot, but its good stuff. =] So much more to say about all of it, but in a nutshell, here's what we talked about.

ATF (Session 3) Joel Johnson.

Romantic Love

Romantic love is a special type of love. Its like a fire. Fire is awesome, fun, amazing, beautiful.. in the right context. If you take the fire out of your fireplace and put it on your living room floor, it is a lot more dangerous, and it will burn. Dating is not a practice for marriage, its practice for divorce. You need to know how to be a good friend, and know how to make sacrifices to be in a healthy romantic relationship. Sometimes we fall in love with the idea of falling in love, rather then sacrificial love. Where your body goes, your heart follows. Where your heart is, your body follows. Women of God don't dress trashy, they dress classy. Modest is hottest ;) The bait you use, determines the fish you'll catch.

ATF- Morning message- Joel Johnson

The worlds screams to us that we are worthless. That no one is ever going to love us. Were not gonna do anything in our life. And we start to believe it, and it starts to become our identity. Our identity gets stolen, and we become someone were not. God put us here for a reason, with a mission, and an identity. Our identity is not in skating, cheerleading, or anything. It is in Christ. We begin to feel empty, and it ruins our self-esteem when we find it in someone else. Maybe someone has said something to you, ever just joking around, but it has effected your life and self-esteem. Thoughts lead to actions, actions lead to habits, habits lead to lifestyle, lifestyle leads to destiny. We have to make a deciscion everyday to listen to what God says about us, not the world. And then we need to open up Gods FaceBook (The Bible). Will you lay down your old identity for your identity in Christ?